So this week was full of action and lots of fun. We had our english class, a quick Book of Mormon lesson in a school, mutual, a Relief Society activity and a missionary fireside last night that all went super well. It´s so fun to see the ward liven up and get excited about the gospel and fulfilling their responsibilities in the work. To answer your question, our living quarters are great! I don´t think anything beats Socorro (seriously, that place was a mansion!), but it´s super nice here! Big enough for four sisters, clean and safe surroundings. The only problem is the canal that´s alongside our house which means... mosquitoes! But keep calm, Mother! I´ve already seen a car that sprays anti-dengue stuff in all the streets multiple times and we use repellent and shocking raquetes... I forgot how to spell that. Basically, we´re all okay here in Eduardo Gomes :). And my new comp! It´s Sister Barros! We were in the CTM together which is super fun. And Sister Martin´s companion is Sister Bento, who was also with us in the CTM! And Sister Barker is a sister leader trainer now! (That´s just a sidenote that I just wanted to throw in there.) Another sidenote: Yesterday, Marinalva was visiting with the stake in our ward! So that was super fun getting to see her :).
Other than that, we´re just working hard, finding new people to teach and helping out investigators accept the gospel and change their lives. There´s an irmã here in this ward that is a grand example for me. She told us that she decided to make a promise with the Lord--that she would put Him absolute first in her life in all she does. So if we call needing help, she helps. If we show up on her doorstep needing someone to come with us to visit an investigator, she drops everything to make that visit with us. She´s the ultimate example of putting God first in her life and makes me want to be a better person. I know that this gospel is the only way we can have true happiness in our lives. I love our Savior and I love His gospel. I love all of you! Hope all is well back home and hurrah for Israel :)
Com amor,
Sister Ball
Last P-Day, Sister Caetano and I climbed a hill with some people from a family we´re teaching. I love that family!

me in my cool hat I got for Christmas
With my new comp, Sister Barros. We were in the CTM together!
In an irmã´s school during lunch. We taught a quick little lesson on obedience with Nephi... yeah, religion is accepted here in schools, woo!
We did an activity for the Young Women
with all the ladies is a RS activity we had and learned how to decorate cake.
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