(Just a quick reminder that if you want to send Brianna birthday wishes via snail mail, send it soon as the mail can take a long time to get to her! Her birthday is July 24 and she will be turning the BIG 2-0!)
The World Cup has started... which was forever ago, but it´s crazy here. Every street is decked out and we have to stay in our house during the games where Brasil plays. But just like Mexico, it´s pretty easy to tell when Brasil makes a goal. Everyone screams and shouts! As for this week, it was great. We met so many elects. We met a less active irmã who´s kids still aren´t baptized along with her sister who lives with them. They´re amazing! We also got a lot of help from the members this week which was awesome. The worst part... transfers are this week and I´m being transferred :(. So is Sister Costa and Sister Rodriguez. Pelo menos, I´m staying in Sergipe so we´ll see where the Lord sends me! I was looking forward to see all these people we met this week progress and change their lives because of the gospel but I know that Sister Santana and her new comp will take good care of the area.
Oh yes, this last P-Day, we got permission to visit Gragerú, had lunch with the Limas and a lanche with Elizamar. I also got to visit some old investigators and ran into lots of people I love! I hope I can do this one day with this area here in Socorro because I love it here. One of my best areas.
My time just ran out but I love you all so much!!!! Boa semana and hurrah for Israel!
Com amor,
Sister Ball
Sisteres do Brasil
Our District on opening day of the World Cup
With Elizamar and family from my first area
Lunch with the Limas from my first area
Enjoying the streets of Grageru again!
With Elizamar
Last meeting with President Gonzaga
What I came home to on the day I finished 9 meses... a stick figure barbie and Castelo Branco ice cream!

At our wards Festa de Junina
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